Inflectional Endings
An inflectional ending is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are very helpful for a developing reader to learn. To learn these rules, we teach students to pay attention to the last letters of the base word.

Inflectional vs. Derivational Morphemes
Inflectional endings are often confused with derivational morphemes; although they are similar to one another, they are unique in their purpose within English.
An inflectional morpheme/ ending is added to a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb for the purpose of assigning a particular grammatical property to the word in question. Inflectional endings assign tense (past tense “-ed”/ preset tense “-ing”), number (plural “-s”), possession (“-‘s”), or comparison (“-er/ -est”).
– Inflectional endings do not change the base meaning or grammatical category of the word.
– All inflectional morphemes are at the end of a word (hence ‘inflectional endings’)
– There can only be one inflectional morpheme per word
Derivational morphemes tend to alter the grammatical category of the word.
– Derivational morphemes change verbs to nouns, nouns to adjectives, nouns to verbs etc.
– There can be multiple derivational morphemes per word (prefixes and suffixes)

Types and Purposes of Inflectional Endings
‘-ED’ Endings
To make most verbs past tense, we add the ending ‘-ed.’
It is important for reading students to know that this syllable does not often sound the way it looks. Rather than saying /ed/, the ‘ed’ ending makes the sound /t/ as in “walked,” /d/ as in “saved,” and /id/ as in “lifted.” Our language also has several irregular verbs, which do not change to past tense by merely adding an ending; they change to a different word altogether. For example, the word “run” doesn’t become
In general, just add ‘ed,’
walk to walked
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add only ‘d’
save to saved
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopped (compare to hoped)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘ed’
play to played
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘ed’
cry to cried
‘-ING’ Endings
To make a word present tense, we add the ending ‘ing.’
In general, just add ‘ing’
walk to walking
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove ‘e’ and add ‘ing’
save to saving
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopping (compare to hoping)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
play to playing
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
cry to crying
‘-S/ES’ Endings
To make a word plural, we add ‘s’ to the end. Certain words require the ending ‘es’ instead.
In general, simply add ‘s’
walk to walks
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add ‘s’
save to saves
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, add ‘s’
hop to hops
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘s’
play to plays
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
cry to cries
If the base word ends in S, Z, X, SH, or CH, add ‘es.’ This adds a syllable and is pronounced /iz/.
misses, fizzes, foxes, brushes, lunches.
‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
To compare two things, we use the ending ‘er.’ To compare three or more things, we use ‘est.’
In general, just add ‘er’ or ‘est’
tall to taller, tallest
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove the ‘e’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
nice to nicer, nicest
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
thin to thinner, thinnest
If the word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘er’ or ‘est’
gray to grayer, grayest
If the word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
silly to sillier, silliest
‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReading‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
An inflectional ending is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are very helpful for a developing reader to learn. The fourth and final inflectional ending we teach is the ‘er/est’ ending. These endings are added to adjectives to show comparison.
Purpose of ‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ suffixes fall into the the English categories of comparatives and superlatives respectively. We use ‘er’ to compare two things to each other (fast/faster). The ‘est’ ending is used when comparing three or more things (fast/fastest). There are some words that change completely when used in comparison (good/better/best), but for the purpose of gaining reading and spelling skills, these irregulars are not the focus.
History of ‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
English speakers have been using ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ suffixes in order to make comparisons since the inception of English and holds tradition even as far back as Indo-European spoken in 4,500 BC. The Old English derivatives were spelled differently than they are today being ‘-ra’ and ‘-est/-ost’ as in the word for hard: hard (heard), harder (heardra), and hardest (heardost).
It wasn’t until the 1200’s when English speakers began to use the words ‘more’ and ‘most’ to slowly replace the ‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ endings.
How We Teach the ‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
The spelling rules for the ‘er/est’ ending are very similar to the other three inflectional ending rules we teach and the same spelling patterns are used for ‘er’ and ‘est.’
For base words that end with consonant+‘y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add the ending (busy/busier/busiest). The base word does not change if it ends in vowel+’y’ (happy/happier/happiest).
We use the consonant doubling rule if the base word has a vowel saying its sound—or a short vowel—followed by one consonant (flat/flatter/flattest).
Finally, in a base word that ends in ‘e,’ do not double ‘e,’ just add the ending ‘r’ or ‘st’ (brave/braver/bravest). A summary of these rules can be found below.
Examples of the ‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
In general, just add ‘er’ or ‘est’
tall to taller, tallest
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove the ‘e’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
nice to nicer, nicest
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
thin to thinner, thinnest
If the word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘er’ or ‘est’
gray to grayer, grayest
If the word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
silly to sillier, silliest
‘-S/ES’ Ending
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReading‘-S/ES’ Endings
The English language has a number of inflectional endings, which are groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are helpful for a developing reader to know. The third ending we teach is the ‘s/es’ ending, which is used to make words plural. There are some words with irregular plurals such as “mouse/mice” or “sheep/sheep.” For the purposes of reading and spelling remediation, we do not spend time teaching these. It is more important for our students to know about common pluralization.
History of the ‘-S/ES’ Ending
English has lost many of its inflectional endings over its long history, but the common plural ending for nouns has survived since Old English. The ‘-S/ES’ ending derives from the masculine ending ‘-as’, as in cyningas “kings”.
We can be thankful for this adoption from Old English, otherwise we would have many more irregular plurals from the ancient Germanic language. If you think ‘mice’ is weird, imagine if more than one goat was a bunch of ‘gat’, or more than one oak tree was a field of ‘ack’. In order to properly discuss a plural form of any of these nouns, you would have needed to know the exact word for it rather than just adding on the handy ‘-S/ES’ ending.
Rules of the ‘-S/ES’ Ending
The ‘s’ ending is quite different from the other endings covered so far because it does not contain a vowel. This makes adding the ending less complicated. For the vast majority of words, simply add the letter ‘s’ to change from singular to plural. There are just two situations that require something different.
First, if the base word ends in consonant+‘y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’ (copy/copies). The other part of this spelling rule relates to the ‘s’ sound. If the base word ends in the letters ‘s,’ ‘z,’ ‘x,’ ‘sh,’ or ‘ch,’ the ending ‘es’ must be used (fuss/fusses, bench/benches). To make the plural sound distinct from the singular base word, this adds another syllable which sounds like /iz/.
Examples of ‘-S/ES’ Endings
In general, simply add ‘s’
walk to walks
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add ‘s’
save to saves
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, add ‘s’
hop to hops
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘s’
play to plays
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
cry to cries
If the base word ends in S, Z, X, SH, or CH, add ‘es.’ This adds a syllable and is pronounced /iz/.
misses, fizzes, foxes, brushes, lunches.
‘-ING’ Endings
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReading‘-ING’ Endings
The English language has a number of inflectional endings, which are groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are helpful for a developing reader to know. The second ending we teach is the ‘ing’ ending, which is used to make most verbs present tense.
History of ‘-ING’ Endings
The modern usage of ‘-ing’ endings derive from two different suffixes historically. It can be used both as a present participle (adjectival) and a gerund (noun). In the context of a present participle, ‘-ing’ comes from Middle English ‘-inde/-ende’ and even further back from Old English, and yet further from Proto-Indo-European as early as 4,500 BC.
In the context of a gerund, ‘-ing’ derives from Proto-Germanic ‘-inga/-unga’ and is a cognate to the suffix found in Dutch, West Frisian, and North Germanic languages.
Purpose of ‘-ING’ Endings
The suffix ‘-ing’ has the purpose of making one of the inflected form of verbs in English. This form of the verb is utilized as a present participle, a gerund, and sometimes as a noun or adjective – it can also be found in some words like morning and ceiling.
‘-ING’ used as a present participle (to produce adjectival/ adverbial phrases)
He saw her eating a sandwich.
o The verb phrase ‘eating a sandwich’ serves as an adjective, describing ‘her’
‘-ING’ used as a gerund (to produce noun phrases)
She enjoys eating sandwiches.
o The verb phrase ‘eating sandwiches’ serves as a noun, being the object of ‘enjoys’
How We Teach the ‘-ING’ Ending
As we teach the inflectional endings, students should notice similarities and differences between the spelling rules for each one. The rules for ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ are quite different because they each start with a different vowel. One major difference is that ‘ing’ can be added to a base word which ends in ‘y’ without making any changes to the base word. This is true regardless of what letter comes before the ‘y.’ (fry/frying, employ/employing) Also, if the base word ends in ‘e,’ the ‘e’ must be removed before adding the ending (bakeing vs baking). Both ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ endings require the consonant after a short vowel be doubled.
Examples of the ‘-ING’ Ending
In general, just add ‘ing’
walk to walking
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove ‘e’ and add ‘ing’
save to saving
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopping (compare to hoping)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
play to playing
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
cry to crying
The ‘-ED’ Endings
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReading‘-ED’ Endings
The English language has a number of inflectional endings- these endings are groups of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning, or more specifically, assign it a particular grammatical property. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are helpful for a developing reader to know. The first ending we teach is the ‘ed’ ending, which is used to make most verbs past tense.
The Nuances of ‘-ED’ Endings
Reading and Speaking
It is important for reading students to know that this syllable does not often sound the way it looks. Rather than saying /ed/, the ‘ed’ ending makes the sound /t/ as in “walked,” /d/ as in “saved,” or /id/ as in “lifted.” Our language also has several irregular verbs, which do not change to past tense by merely adding an ending; they change to a different word altogether. For example, the word “run” doesn’t become “runned.” It changes to “ran.” Most native English speakers will make these changes automatically when speaking.
Our students learn that in order to correctly spell past-tense verbs with this ending, they need to pay close attention to the spelling of the base word. There are two challenging parts of the ‘-ED’ ending to remember: when to double a consonant and what to do if a base word ends in ‘y.’
The final consonant of a word is doubled if the vowel in the base word says its sound (short vowel sound) and is followed by a single consonant (rub/rubbed). The doubling does not occur, for example, when the vowel in the base word is saying its name (long vowel sound) and is followed by a single consonant (need/needed or save/saved).
How do you make a verb ending in ‘y’ past tense? If the base word ends in ‘y,’ look at the letter before ‘y.’ A base word ending with a vowel before the ‘y’ is changed to past tense simply by adding ‘ed’ (employ/employed). A base word that ends with a consonant before the ‘y’ needs to change ‘y’ to ‘i’ before adding ‘ed’ (fry/fried).
Examples of Spelling Different ‘-ED’ Endings
In general, just add ‘ed,’
walk to walked
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add only ‘d’
save to saved
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopped (compare to hoped)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘ed’
play to played
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘ed’
cry to cried
Inflectional Endings Overview
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingInflectional Endings
An inflectional ending is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. They have spelling and pronunciation rules that are very helpful for a developing reader to learn. To learn these rules, we teach students to pay attention to the last letters of the base word.
Inflectional vs. Derivational Morphemes
Inflectional endings are often confused with derivational morphemes; although they are similar to one another, they are unique in their purpose within English.
An inflectional morpheme/ ending is added to a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb for the purpose of assigning a particular grammatical property to the word in question. Inflectional endings assign tense (past tense “-ed”/ preset tense “-ing”), number (plural “-s”), possession (“-‘s”), or comparison (“-er/ -est”).
– Inflectional endings do not change the base meaning or grammatical category of the word.
– All inflectional morphemes are at the end of a word (hence ‘inflectional endings’)
– There can only be one inflectional morpheme per word
Derivational morphemes tend to alter the grammatical category of the word.
– Derivational morphemes change verbs to nouns, nouns to adjectives, nouns to verbs etc.
– There can be multiple derivational morphemes per word (prefixes and suffixes)
Types and Purposes of Inflectional Endings
‘-ED’ Endings
To make most verbs past tense, we add the ending ‘-ed.’
It is important for reading students to know that this syllable does not often sound the way it looks. Rather than saying /ed/, the ‘ed’ ending makes the sound /t/ as in “walked,” /d/ as in “saved,” and /id/ as in “lifted.” Our language also has several irregular verbs, which do not change to past tense by merely adding an ending; they change to a different word altogether. For example, the word “run” doesn’t become
In general, just add ‘ed,’
walk to walked
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add only ‘d’
save to saved
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopped (compare to hoped)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘ed’
play to played
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘ed’
cry to cried
‘-ING’ Endings
To make a word present tense, we add the ending ‘ing.’
In general, just add ‘ing’
walk to walking
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove ‘e’ and add ‘ing’
save to saving
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
hop to hopping (compare to hoping)
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
play to playing
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ simply add ‘ing’
cry to crying
‘-S/ES’ Endings
To make a word plural, we add ‘s’ to the end. Certain words require the ending ‘es’ instead.
In general, simply add ‘s’
walk to walks
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ add ‘s’
save to saves
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, add ‘s’
hop to hops
If the base word ends in vowel+’y,’ add ‘s’
play to plays
If the base word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
cry to cries
If the base word ends in S, Z, X, SH, or CH, add ‘es.’ This adds a syllable and is pronounced /iz/.
misses, fizzes, foxes, brushes, lunches.
‘-ER’ and ‘-EST’ Endings
To compare two things, we use the ending ‘er.’ To compare three or more things, we use ‘est.’
In general, just add ‘er’ or ‘est’
tall to taller, tallest
If the base word ends in ‘e,’ remove the ‘e’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
nice to nicer, nicest
If the vowel says its sound and there is a single consonant after, double the consonant
thin to thinner, thinnest
If the word ends in vowel+’y,’ simply add ‘er’ or ‘est’
gray to grayer, grayest
If the word ends in consonant+’y,’ change ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘er’ or ‘est’
silly to sillier, silliest
The -le Endings
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingOnce students learn about multiple syllable words, how to break them down into individual syllables, and how open and closed syllables affect the word, they can then move on to learning about different endings that add an extra syllable.
Before they jump into endings that change the tense of a word, they learn about a very common ending that can only be understood with a base knowledge of multiple syllables: the -le ending. Being able to understand the nuances of this ending will help students when decoding or spelling words with this ending.
Tutor: “Let’s talk about another ending we have in multisyllable words. What would ‘-le’ say at the end of a word?”
Student: “Lee.”
Tutor: “You would think so, but we already have an ending for /lee/ ‘ly.’ How about in this word.” The tutor writes out the word ‘table.’
Student: “/tay-bull/”
Tutor: “Perfect! This ‘le’ ending is a rule breaker. Instead of saying /lee/ it will say /ul/. Also it doesn’t follow the rules for syllable division. The ‘le’ will actually grab another consonant that’s in front of it. So when we divide ta/ble the le is taking the b with it. That means the first syllable is open and the vowel is saying its name.”
“What about the word puddle? Is the first syllable vowel saying its name or sound?”
Student: “/p/…/u/ its sound!”
Tutor: “Right you are. Because we want the vowel to say its sound, and because the “le” breaks the rules and takes a consonant, we get to double up the ‘d’ in puddle.”
“Now -le can only grab specific consonants.”
The tutor makes the “le card” with: ble, cle, dle, fle, gle, kle, ple, sle, tle, zle
“Here’s the catch.”
Student: “There’s always a catch!”
Tutor: “I know. The catch is there are three exceptions to the “-le” ending. They are ‘m, n, and v.’ With these letters instead of ‘le’ we are going to use ‘el’. So I will put mel, nel, vel on your card at the bottom. Even though we switched the letters, they will still say /ul/, as in “ the camel travels through the tunnel.” Pretty cool right?”
Student: “I guess…”
Tutor: “Don’t forget, we can double the consonant to make a closed syllable so the vowel will say its sound.”
Syllable Division and Open vs Closed Syllables
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingAfter a student learns the basics about syllables based on auditory cues, they are ready to learn syllable division of written words. Multisyllable words can have a lot of letters, and we need a plan or strategy for figuring out what all those letters say. When we come to an unknown multisyllable word, we can use syllable division to break the word into smaller, manageable chunks.
Syllable division is an important decoding skill. Because every syllable has exactly one vowel sound, we use vowels to navigate as we search for syllables. When introducing this concept to a student, we’ll write “CVCCVC” to represent a model word where ‘c’ stands for a consonant sound and ‘v’ for a vowel sound. A real word that fits this model exactly would be “batman.” Colorado Reading Center has found that the simplest and most accurate method is to start at the end of the word and move forward, right to left. Once we find the first vowel sound from the end, we imagine that the vowel has a little arm that reaches out and grabs the consonant to its left. We divide the syllable to the left of that consonant: CVC/CVC. On our real word example: “bat/man.”
The student then practices this breaking technique on a new model word: CVCVC. Following the instructions, the student starts at the end, finds the vowel, imagines the vowel grabbing the consonant in front, and divides the word to the left of that consonant: CV/CVC. A real word example for this would be: “ro/bin.”
With these two model words divided (CVC/CVC and CV/CVC) we now teach the student about open and closed syllables. In the first syllable of our first word, the vowel is closed in by the consonant after it. We call this type of syllable a closed syllable, and the vowel has to say its sound. For example, the ‘a’ in “bat” will always say its sound. In the first syllable of our second word, the vowel is not closed in. This is an open syllable and the vowel gets a choice. It can say its name or its sound. Consider “ro/bin” and “jo/ker.” Both first syllables are open, so the vowel says its sound in “ro” and its name in “jo.”
The -ll/ff/ss ‘Floss’ Rule
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingTo finish up the ‘blockers’ rules, we teach students about the double ff, ll, ss rule (sometimes referred to as the ‘Floss Rule’). Rather than adding a different consonant to block the vowel, we double the end consonant, and, strangely, for only the letters ‘l’, ‘f’, and ‘s’. Any word that has a short vowel sound (vowel saying it’s sound) and ends with one of these letters will need that letter to be doubled for the same reason as all of our other blocker rules; this ‘protects’ the vowel from changing when a tense is changed or endings are added to the word.
“The last blocker rule we will learn is somewhat different from the others. We will now talk about doubling the final consonant in words. The funny thing is that we don’t do this consistently with all consonants. The only ones that it works for consistently are L, F and S. Therefore, we will call this the double ll, double ff, double ss rule. Can you think of any words that use these double consonants at the end?”
Student: “Bill, stuff and grass.”
Tutor: “Right! Many common words use these endings, but we don’t say the sound twice, do we? So, we need to have some way of predicting when to double. Now the other rules we’ve learned had 2 parts, but since there are 3 consonants that we double, there will be 3 parts to this rule.”
Student: “I am intrigued beyond belief, please tell me more.”
Tutor: “Now, whenever we have a vowel saying its sound, and a (/l/), a (/f/) or a (/s/) come right after the vowel AND that is the last sound in the word, we double the L, F, or S. Why do you think we do that?”
Student: “In case we add an ending like –ed?”
Tutor: “You’re right! Just as with –tch and –ck, we are doubling here to protect the vowel just in case we add an ending like –ed later on. That ending doesn’t have to be there though, because we use the double consonant regardless. Now let’s look at some words that use ll/ff/ss.”
The -ck Expectancy
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingNow that students have a general understanding of blocking rules, we introduce them to a couple more variations of that concept by continuing with the -ck expectancy. The -ck rule functions the exact same as blocker -dge and copycat -tch but is just a different sound after the vowel. To ‘protect’ the vowel with a /k/ sound following it, we use the letter ‘c’ before the ‘k’ to create the double consonant that ‘blocks’ any tense changes or endings added that could possibly affect the vowel’s function.
By this point the student is fairly familiar with the concept of blockers. The –ck rule should be introduced just as the –tch rule. The only thing that changes is the sound after the vowel.
Tutor: “Now, whenever we have a vowel saying its sound, followed by a /k/ sound we use –ck. Just as with –tch, we are using the C-blocker just in case we add –ed later on (backed vs. baked).
The -tch ‘Copy Cat’ Rule
/in Reading and Spelling Rules /by ColoradoReadingAfter the student has had some practice with the ‘-dge’ rule, we introduce a very similar rule. This is the ‘-tch’ rule, also called the “copycat rule.”
Tutor: “The next blocker rule we are going to learn is very much like the ‘-dge’ rule you just learned. Today we are going to learn about spelling words that end with the sound /ch/. What letters are you thinking of for that sound?”
Student: “C-H.”
Tutor: “Great. Just like the /j/ sound at the end of a word, the /ch/ also needs a blocker. And just as we had the ‘d’ as the blocker for the ‘dge’ rule, we use the ‘t’ as the blocker for the ‘tch’ rule. When we have a vowel saying its sound followed by the /ch/, we always use ‘tch.’ But, what are we blocking? (Tutor spells fetch as F-E-C-H) Wouldn’t fetch still say the same thing without the T?”
Student: “Yes it would. I’m not sure why we are adding an extra letter. It seems like we don’t need it.”
Tutor: “This one is a little tricky. At first it looks like the ‘t’ is unnecessary. But check out what happens if I wanted to say the dog “fetched” (F-E-C-H-E-D) the ball. Could that final ‘e’ jump over the ‘ch’?”
Student: “I guess if it can jump over ‘th,’ it can also jump over ‘ch.’”
Tutor: “It can! So we use ‘tch’ just in case we add an ending like ‘-ed’ later on. The important thing to remember is that the ‘-ed’ doesn’t even have to be there. We use the blocker regardless. Also, unlike the ‘dge’ rule which works very consistently, there are a few exceptions to the ‘tch’ rule. There are four common words that don’t follow the rule. They are SUCH, MUCH, RICH and WHICH. In each word we have a vowel saying its sound and the /ch/ sound comes right after, but none of them end with ‘-tch.’ We will need to commit these four words to memory.”